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Spooky Forest

About Procession Magazine

Who We Are

Procession Magazine covers the latest darkwave, goth, industrial and "wave" bands operating in the world today. We're here to provide you with insightful stories about the topics that interest you the most. Our primary goal is to be an independent and reliable voice for the scene.

Christopher Canter

Founder/Managing Editor

The mad-scientist behind this crazy passion project, Chris is a long time fan of all things, goth, darkwave, industrial, and anything with beeps and boops. While not necessarily a fearless leader, Chris is committed to ensuring that Procession Magazine continues its goal of representing the best this scene has to offer. A true 90s goth, Chris cut his teeth in places such as the old 9:30 club, The Bank, the Batcave, and Denny’s. While not dreaming of vampires, Chris is an avid trail runner, loves exploring Arkham Horror, and, most importantly, tacos.

René Ramos

Creative Director

The Sky’s Gone Out, by Bauhaus, is among his earliest influences defining the music and clubs René would frequent in and around Washington DC. A national award-winning agency director and graphic designer, René now brings his arsenal of creativity and passion for music to Procession Magazine. He has an extensive background in traditional print publishing and digital photography. The Face Spotter project is where René showcases his original photography of pareidolia while also pairing them with music album recommendations. “Face Your Day” at

Renee Rogers

Digital Content Director/Contributing Editor

Renee came into the scene in the early 90s in Orlando, Florida, where she spent many a night in places such as Visage, The Edge, Barbarella and Haven. She also hosted a goth/industrial show called Catharsis, which aired weekly in the wee hours of the morning on Rollins College radio. She fled to New England soon after, where she could be found at places like Man Ray and Ceremony. Musically she has contributed cello and vocals for The Sob Sisters, a 1920s cabaret trio active in the early 2000s in Boston. After many years in the Providence area, 2021 finds her settled in the Charlottesville, VA vicinity and quite enjoying the very active virtual scene. In fact, she thinks she might just stay a pajamagoth forever.

Elizabeth Farrell

Contributing Editor

Procession's Flat Fields Correspondent emerges from lurking obscurity to humbly submit her ossified observations for the reader's harmless diversion. A classic goth-hick nomad of the Baudelairian persuasion, she is well versed in absinthe fueled fugue states, light necromancy, lucky breaks, and folk music. She now posts her humble missives from Whitestone Manor, which only appears to be haunted.

John Begley

Contributing Editor

It all started at The Cure in 1985 in Philadelphia, PA. Enjoying several musical projects (and the people who played in them) that have sonically traveled from Post Punk, Goth, Dark Electro to straight out Noise. Founding member of several projects - Live Not On Evil, Necromantik Sunshine and I Will I.The most proud moments were playing at the legendary CBGBs and the Drop Dead Festival '06. Always rather be on the side of stage or set of a film than be in the audience. Freddie Mercury sang it best; “The Show Must Go On!” You can find more about John at

Andrew Cooper

Reviews Editor

A child of the 60's , a punk of the 70's and a goth of the 80's..... music has always been my passion. From contributing to fanzines , donating lyrics to friends and hosting poetry evenings ... writing has also been a mainstay in my hobbies. Like many a member of the Corvid family I'm a collector , mainly Cd's ( much to the chagrin of my better half ) and now have around 5,000. Hearing artistes is a joy and I hope to discover new talent and new friends along the way.

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